Redwood Drop Top 4

Redwood Drop Top 4

$200.00 Sale Save

Only 1 left in stock

We had the good fortune at PRT to recently acquire a 900-1,000 year-old redwood tree that was salvaged from a creek as part of a salmon restoration project in Northern California. Redwood is sought after by luthiers for its rare beauty, rich sonic character and unique grain patterns and coloration. These drop tops in our vault have a very intense figure. They can have a quilted look and also a flamed look, depending on how the light hits them.

Photographs of actual product

Nominal Dimensions: Dreadnought Template .43” (10.9mm) x 8.5” (216mm) x 21.5” (546mm)



過去 33 年間にわたる Collings Guitars での私の仕事の 1 つは、パシフィック リム トーンウッズのシトカ スプルース トップを注文して生産することでした。彼らのサウンドボードの品質と一貫性は傑出しており、これ以上のものはありません。
